We can restore your car to a standard the factory could never achieve during mass production. We have the body and chassis if seperate sandblasted on a spit that can be rotated 360”. We use this spit for all the bodywork and is invaluable in the sealing stage. For this we seal every open seam with a mastic style sealer to stop any moisture from getting into the seam after the paint has been applied. Most jobs are painted on the jig in stages. Stage 1 would be the underside and interior, stage 2 would be the engine bay and stage 3 is the outer body. We then spray the panels after the body.

MGC Restoration
This is a MGC Roadster we are restoring at the moment. The body has been sandblasted and major repair work has been carried out including new front and rear wings, doors, battery boxes, boot floor and our own floorpans and torsion bar support panels.

MGC Restoration
Another pic of the Primrose Yellow MGC restoration. All the bigger suspension parts have been sandblasted and painted in 2k etch, primer and black top coat and the smaller items have been blasted and plated.

MGC Restoration
This is the engine bay of our latest MGC beginning to take shape. We have fully rebuilt the engine to fast road spec but will retain the SU carbs.

MGC Restoration
We carry out full and part restorations on MGCs. This car was sent to us from a gentleman in South Africa as a damaged and incomplete car. We restored the car, test drove her, secured her into a container and returned her back to him.

MGC Restoration
The nearly completed engine bay of an MGC.

MGC Restoration
The retrimmed seats of an MGC Roadster in black leather and red piping. All new seat swabs and diaphragm panels have been fitted to sandblasted and repainted seat frames.

MGC Restoration
The underside of the Primrose MGC now completed.

MGB Restoration
This is an MGB that we restored for a Suffolk family.

MGB Restoration
The bare bodyshell of an MGB with panels fitted for final checking prior to removal and sealing.

MGB Restoration
The bare bodyshell with the seams all sealed.

MGB Restoration
The underside of the bodyshell with seams sealed.

MGC Restoration
The bodyshell with spray on filler on the outer panels only.

MGB Restoration
The etched and primed MGB bodyshell on the rotating jig in the spraybooth.

MGB Restoration
A primrose yellow MGB restoration just finished in our workshop.

MGB Restoration
A picture of the underside of an MGB after restoration by Colne Classics.

Jaguar Restoration
Rear suspension as stripped and rebuilt and then refitted to a 420G.